You are beautiful.


Her eyes are so crystal blue it’s as if you can see the ocean waves crashing in. Freckles line her cheeks and nose, each one strategically placed by her Creator. Her chubby little hands fit so delicately in mine. And, when she sleeps, it’s as if I can feel angels hovering over her.

She is my inquisitive, imaginative, and imperfectly perfect daughter, Ava.

Today, the Lord has given me another reason to celebrate. It’s her 4th birthday! It seems like just yesterday, I was holding her in my arms as a newborn. Now, we are getting prepared for 4K. I’ve done nothing to deserve this precious gift the Lord has entrusted me to care for. But Oh, how thankful I am!

Children are so impressionable during these young years. It’s up to us, as parents, to shape them. To prepare them, as best we can, for what may lay ahead. As each day goes by, there are two things I tell her. One, that Jesus loves her. Two, she is beautiful. I tell her this for more than just the obvious reasons. I want to plant God’s word deep in her heart because the world will tell her otherwise.

Tomorrow (or soon enough), she will be a teenager. The pressure of fitting in will fight against her individuality. Beauty will be equated to how small her pant size is. The lie that worthiness comes from boys and being popular, could manifest. She will make wrong decisions and question whether God still loves her.

The time to combat that is now.

She is beautiful because she is a child of God. Period. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

God loves her not for the good works she will do, for they will never be good enough. His great love made her alive with Him and saved her by grace, even when she was dead in her trespasses. (Ephesians 2:4-5). No mistakes she will ever make, can separate her from the love of God. (Romans 8:38)

My prayer for her is God would make her worthy of his calling and fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power. (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

Friend, it’s my prayer for you too.

We are all a unique masterpiece, custom designed by the Lord for a purpose. He has placed a special calling on every life. Don’t let any negative voices rent space in your mind. If they do, tell them the lease is up because God says otherwise.

Jeremiah 1:5 (MSG) says: “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.”

In case you didn’t know or need a reminder, Jesus loves you. You are beautiful.

One thought on “You are beautiful.

  1. you are such a good Mommy. And a wonderful friend. Thanks for your words as always they are needed and you touch the heart. love ya

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